How CBD Could Enhance Your Yoga Experience
The history of Yoga
The popularity of yoga began in the UK in the 1960s when people became aware that it's practice was beneficial for physical and mental health. However, it has been around for thousands of years and the relationship between yoga and the cannabis plant have also been closely intertwined. Legend has it that the Hindu Lord Shiva, one of the most important gods in the Hindu pantheon, and the patron of Yogis and Brahmins gifted the cannabis plant to humanity and is believed to have routinely smoked marijuana to find the inspiration and enlightenment.
The earliest mention of both yoga and cannabis appear in the Vedas, a large body of religious text that originated in ancient India and considered to be the oldest scriptures relating to Hinduism. Pantanjaii, a Wiseman born in India in 200 BC is the author of the Yoga Sutras, which outline the principals of yoga and is widely regarded as the authoritative text on yoga. In one interpretation of the Sutra we are told that "The subtler attainments (of yoga) come with birth or are attained through herbs, mantra, austerities or concentration" which many consider is a reference to the cannabis plant, one of the five sacred plants mentioned in the Vedas.
Today in India, the Sadhus, India's wandering men, who have followed their beliefs for as long as Hinduism, and who renounce all attachment to society and live a life of absolute poverty, engage in yoga and the use of cannabis, which they consider soothes their bodies, their minds and their spirit to help deepen their meditation. Of course cannabis is illegal in this country but are people now considering that CBD and yoga are the perfect fit?
The function of Yoga
The function of Yoga is to produce a well balanced healthy mind and body. The yoga poses, developed over centuries, have specific beneficial effects, regular practice helps to improve flexibility, strength, and breathing capacity, whilst at the same time stretching and relaxing muscles. All of which restores the body's natural harmony and increases the endocannabinoid levels, lowering stress and creating calmness of mind. Does any of this sound familiar?
How CBD Could Enhance Your Yoga Experience
We know now that the body is responsible for producing human cannabinoids, a messaging system, known as the endocannabinoid system, (ECS), which regulates biological functions ensuring they work in harmony. CBD works through our own endocannabinoid helping the body to achieve better balance.
CBD is known to aide with muscle pain and sore joints, it interacts with our own ECS to increase the number of naturally occurring cannabinoids to balance the system and produce a anti-inflammatory response helping to relieve sore muscles.
A wandering mind can be distracting when you are trying to find that inner zen moment, with so many daily worries and doubts it can be hard to dispel those intrusive thoughts. Studies have shown that CBD is effective at calming the mind and blocking out those external influences.
CBD is understood to activate a type of serotonin, (the chemical believed to be linked to happiness and wellbeing), receptor in the brain, which is why one of its best-known benefits is as a mood enhancer and a heightening sense of wellbeing. Anyone who has practiced Yoga will be aware of the blissful feeling you get following a session and by incorporating CBD this feeling can be heightened.
Whilst there are some practitioners who don't agree with taking CBD, there are however a number of Yoga studios and users already incorporating CBD into their sessions with positive results. If you are thinking of taking up Yoga or are already a practitioner of this wonderful form of exercise why not consider enhancing it with CBD?
If you are new to CBD please see our FAQ and guides on how to take it.
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